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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Our trip to Quarry Bank Mill - in pictures.

The boys get to work in the schoolroom.

Straight backs, arms crossed, eyes down - well done girls!

The boys practise their alphabet.

What a naughty girl!

The fastest bed makers!

Rushing to be next.

Emptying the chamber pot - eugh!

The gentleman. He was Mr Shallcross' favourite and got to sit in his own chair!

Leeches - old fashioned medicine.

The massive waterwheel - it powers the whole mill!

Excited to see the wheel in action.

'I love seeing the wool being spun!'

Wool samples ready to show prospective buyers.

The inside of a mill workers house as it would have looked in Victorian times. We saw the outside of these houses in Styal Village.

The large spinning machine in action - it was really long!

A carding machine making the raw wool into long strands.

At the wheel shaft - still very excited!

Venturing into the tunnel to look up the old chimney.

Inside the chimney - it was very cramped!


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  2. Trip to Quarry Bank Mill

    On Friday, the 20th of June, it was year 5’s class trip to Quarry Bank Mill. There were four groups Mr Kerrigan, Mr Walker, Mrs Shahid or Mrs Mobs. First we were told our groups then we left in a coach for 15 minutes to get their.

    When we got there we checked in then we went to the dinner hall to put our lunch away and we had a little talk. After that we went down to the Apprentice house. Inside we wrote the alphabet on slates and Jack had a punishment. He had to hold wooden weights then we went upstairs to the beds it was me and Harry. The teacher told us how to make the beds so we made it then we saw their disgusting toilets.

    Then we saw what the doctors used to do for headaches and operations. We saw their operations for 15 minutes then we went down stairs and saw their lunch. Then we saw a pivicy a tiny toilet. After we left and walked around for a bit.

    Afterwards we went down to the villages and we thought rich people lived there because the houses were amazing. Then we walked back to the lunch hall and eat for half an hour then left.

    After that we went in our groups we saw who own the mill and the person’s office. We saw the difference of the money they earned. After that we saw the mill and what powered it up it was a giant wheel spinning.

  3. Our trip to quarry bank mill
    It was a Friday morning when everybody came in ready wearing wristbands given by Mr Walker, and Mr Kerrigan quickly did the register and told everyone what group they were in. I was in Mr Kerrigan’s Then we all rushed to the coach, and quickly set of to Quarry Bank Mill, when we got off the bus the first thing we did was go to the lunch room, and put our lunches away. After that we went to the school, and had to wait for the bells to ring to come in. When they did the man said “Boys first Girls second” So then boys went, first, girls went second the first thing we did was hand out slates in the old building, and these metal pens to, to write on the slates the thing we had to do on the slates was to write the alphabet neatly. After that the man said “If I point at you you have to say the letter I am pointing and say sir” so we did that for 5 minutes then we went up stairs to the bed room and we had to set up our own beds. After that the man picked a girl, (which was Saskia) to clean out the toilet, all she had to do was dump the wee with straw in it in the bucket but the wee witch was really tea was in a pot so she didn’t have to pick it up. After a while we went down to the surgery room to see what we had to do if we were sick, he showed us these slugs witch suck blood, and pieces of cloth with blood on it, and some weird medicine witch can give you dieria, then we went to the real village with real people, and then we went back had our lunches, and, we went to the mill after that. When we went to the mill all the old machines were on, and they were making cloth, and wool after the machines we went to the chimney, and learnt what would happen if water came into the machines. Even though we had a nice day it was time to go home, so we rushed to the bus and went home.

  4. it was fun. I feel like going there again.
    by hassan

  5. I liked it it nice because we learn about the Victorians

    by ahmed

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  8. We went to the apprentice house we were told
    Not to put our elbows on the table otherwise we would get a punishment jack keep on talking then he got a punishment he had to hold two golden wooden waits for 5mins

  9. the trip to quarry bank mill

    Year 5 went on a trip to quarry bank mill on the 20th of June. The most interesting bit was when we went into the apprentice house and we had a tour which was cool because it was how it would have been back in the Victorian times. We went with Mr.Kerrigan who was the main supervisor of all of us. Also Mr. Walker came and I was in his group and the other helpers who came were Ms Mobs and Ms Shahid. When we got there everyone rushed to the lunch hall where people put their lunch there for later except I didn’t eat lunch there because I had to go to Whales. Firstly we went to the apprentice house where we had an interactive tour and saw some medicine from Victorian times such as leeches and red hot pokers then we went to the old apprentice village which people actually live in and keep them running but they don’t have very good gardens because they have no privacy because there are no fences around the gardens so you have pretty much one big garden and not several small ones which I would have proffered to have several small ones.
    By Harry

  10. it was funny when jack had a punishment

  11. I was sad because we didn't write a story on chalk

  12. Quarry bank mill

    What I enjoyed the most was when we had to be like Victorians. I liked that part because I liked using their equipment. I also liked learning about the things they had to do in the Victorians. I learnt lots of interesting things but I will never forget this one, they change what is in their mattress once a year and they get nits and then it goes on to the beds. Here’s the disgusting bit they have pots to go to the toilet and they have hay to clean themselves! They also let the boys go first and the girls last!

    I would tell the next year 5 class about it because, they might go and have the experience too. I would tell them only a little bit about the trip so they can go and feel exited to learn more. I would definitely tell them about the tour.

    If we had another visit I would try to see the things we didn’t see like the other group did and we didn’t. I’d like to have another tour but different because, it will just be boring doing the same thing and I'll learn more about the Victorians.

  13. I enjoyed the school trip to Quarry Bank Mill because it was a great experience learning how the children worked at their daily school and mill work. I found that it was harder than I expected because the machines were so complicated. I also now know that one of the machines is called The Spinning Jenny. The children that were 9 or older had to start working in the mill! (The same age as me!) It was crazy knowing that someone the same age as me could work on all those machines. I was also told that the machine are extreamly lound and noisy! I wonder how the can concentrate with all that racket!! Also its really dangours and you can get killed by the machines. If you were small enough you had to go under the machines and clean up all the cotton that fell of the cotton on the machine. (Imagine going under those massive and dangoures machines!!!)

    By Ayah Azabanee

  14. Replies
    1. I know I wish we did but if we did we would of wasted our time.

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    1. yup she did I know because I was her partner+her BFF

  16. in the schoolroom the class had to write the alphabet on mini chalk bard and a mini chalk

  17. when we went to the apprentice house Mr shawcross told us to write on a slate with chalk

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  19. When I got at school Mr Kerrigan did the register then Mr Kerrigan put up the groups that we are going to be in. I can’t remember who is in my group but I think Ibraheem, Saskia,Yara, Saira, Ahmed, Rowa and me.

    My favourite part was lunch time because I was so hungry and I telling Mr Kerrigan when is it lunch time. And when it was lunch time I ate all the lunch my mum gave me and it was delicious.

    We went to the Apprentice house and the strict man told us to write the alphabet with a chalk on a slate. When that was done all of us went up stairs to the beds and we had to fix the bed. They did there toilet in a pot then I learned more thing about Quarry Bank Mill. There was this place were we went to like a hospital to fix your tummy if you had a stomach ache and it is pretty bad to fix your stomach it hurts more.

    Then we went back on the coach when we were all inside the coach and we were driving I was talking to Mr Kerrigan and it was awesome.

  20. it was boring when we were in groups because we weren't with our friends!!!!!!!!!!
    by hassan

  21. It was an amazing experience to see and learn about what the children had to do a long long time ago. We learned what they ate, how they ate, where they sleped, how they worked the machinery and the amount of free time they had.

    When we went inside the mill the boys were the first to go through the rooms never girls. The whole class had to write the alphabet on a mini chalk board and a mini chalk pen and when we said something to our teacher, that tought us about the mill, we had to say “sir”.

    We all had different groups including Miss Shahids group, Mr Kerrigan’s group, Miss Mob’s group and Mr Walker’s group.


    On Friday 20th June year five Mersey vale went to Quarry Bank Mill for their history trip. We were supervised by Mr. Kerrigan, the year five teacher, Mr. Walker, Mrs.Shaid, our year five teaching assistants, and Mrs. Mobbs the lunch time supervisor. It took us about twenty minutes to get there. When we got there we were split into our groups. In my group I had Hamzah, Ruhban, Nafisa, Sumayya and Amina. The activities that we experienced were the apprentice house, styal village and the mill. In the apprentice house we experienced lots of new and different things. In the apprentice house we pretended we were real Victorians and had to learn the alphabet and stuff. We also got to look at gross medicine and things that they used when they were ill. Neil, the tour guide, pretended he was a teacher Mr.Shawcross and as really strict. That was my favourite part of the day apart from lunch!!!!!
    By amazing guy (arran)

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    1. Visit to Quarry Bank Mill

      I think the most interesting thing was the mill because of the flying shuttle sheet.
      I think the other interesting thing was the apprentice house because of the man when you used to put your elbows on the table because it was bad manners back in the olden days apparently.
      The other thing that was interesting was the water wheel the water wheel was massive and it looked really old and it powered the whole mill.
      Back in the days of Victorians children had to use a bowl to let their waste out the bowl use to stay under their bed, and someone had to empty it in a bucket and then they through the bucket away in the smelly drain.
      by ibyy

  24. The best part of the visit was pretending to be victorians the horrible bit was the leechs they looked horrible and black.
    by: saira

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  26. Our trip To Quarry Bank Mill.
    On Friday 20th June
    Year 5 went to Quarry Bank Mill near Manchester Airport. When we got there we got put into groups. I was in Miss Mobbs’s group with Nafisa, Amina, Ruhban, Arran, Hamza and myself. As soon as we entered the building we went to the apprentice house and we acted like Victorian children. We had told to write the alphabet with a chalk board but I wrote it wrong, and got told off, so I had to hold two weights on each hand for five minutes. We also changed the bed sheets, and cleaned out the chamber pots with our hands.

  27. I have a joke who went to whales waves muhhhhhhhhhh

  28. Quarry Bank Mill

    On Friday 20th June 2014, year 5 went on a class trip to Quarry bank mill to learn about the Victorians for our History work. We left at 9:15 travelled by coach and got there round about 10. Me, Sumayya, Arran, Amina, Ruhban and Hamzah were in Mrs Mobbs’s group.

    When we arrived at Quarry Bank mill we all walked to the apprentice house. When we reached we all had to act like Victorian children. At the aprentance my favourite bit was when sumayya got told off and had to hold weights and when me and sumayya had to sort 9out a bed and i did it wrong.

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  30. When we went into the aprentice house it smelled at first but i got used to it until we went to the bedrooms where the children slept. The man who was superviseing us told Saskia to pull a pot from under the bed and it contained....WEEEE and hay UHGHGGG. Then the man made her throw it out the window. I wound'nt want to stand under that window.

    By Leighton

  31. I LOVED IT! Escpecially when Saskia poured the fake number 1 into a bucket. Also me and Aisha had to make a bed working as a team. Before both of them we had to line up in a girl line and a boy line. We then entered the apprentice house arms folded,eyes down, and met the teacher mr.Shallcross. We had to wright on slates using chalk. Some people had to read a little bit out of a book on tortoises. After visiting where they slept we went down to the medicene room. We found out that a girl had a swollen eye and the docter put nine leaches around it. Also that if you had a headache they would put a hot bag on where it hurts and cut it open. If that didn't work they would use a bigger on and cut it open. After lunch we split into two groups. . IT WAS AMAZING! I got some cotton as well as others. We even got to have te machines turned on. They were really loud! We then got to look up a chimmney. We then had to rush to the coach and wait for the other group to come and eventually they did. THE END! Imaan.

  32. My trip to Quarry Bank Mill was spectacular especially the part when we went to the classroom.My group was with Mrs Mobbs and the chldren were Nafisa, Summaya, Arran, Ruhban & Hamzah.The classroom was actually my favourite part especially when Sumayya & Jack held those wieght lifter things because of talking (but Sumayya and Jack weren't realy talking, I hope)
    The bestest kid Amina!

  33. We saw the Victorian bedroom and the beds the children had to sleep in and we had to make the beds so we can see how it was. By Maria


  34. It because we got told how the machines work and we went through most of the activities was fantastic and they were amazing.
    First we were treated like kids that worked in the mill, Jack was laughing so the teacher told him to hold some light weights. The whole class had to write the alphabet on a chalk board and some people had to read. We had to go boy’s first girls second. We then had to make are beds and we had two to a bed but my bed had three to a bed because there was a spare person named Ruhban.

    Most of the time we were in groups my group was Mrs Shahid, Amaan, Leighton, Imaan, Mariyah, Maria.
    By Umair

  35. it was funny when saskia had to pik the poo and wee
